
We have a simple solution for you – a wall planner that gives you a one-time, birds-eye view of all the time commitments and events you need to attend.

Maybe you struggled to achieve the things you said you would do last year, and you are worried that the cycle will repeat itself come 2022.

Or you achieved some of your plans, while others fell through the cracks because you couldn’t ‘see’ them.

Dreams are easier to achieve, and plans are easier to stick to if they are dated, written and kept in sight.

Get the WISER planner today, and say hello to the beginning of your best life.

The WISER Planner is an A1 Size calendar covering 12 months (January to December) with Dates.

It is divided by lines to write activities and date your plans.

WISER Planner

Buy the e-copy and self-print (N2,500)

Pre-order the hard copy (N3,500)

Please note

the hard copy is available on pre-order till December 25th.

Deliveries will begin on December 27th.
After which the prices go up to N3,500 for e-copy and N4,500 for hardcopy.

Cheers to a WISER you!